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ED'mund C. Brown Ministries is...

The Institute of Ministerial Studies

at The Blanche Wallace-Brown Bible College

est. 2005

VERILY, VERILY, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that i do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because i go unto my Father...ST. JOHN 14:12

God has used Apostle Dr. ED'mund C. Brown to pioneer ministries and open many regions that have been considered closed-minded to the Gospel concerning the operation of the apostolic and prophetic offices. His ministry is accompanied by a manifestation of God's miracle power and the gift of humor that releases some from religious bondage. Because of the Apostolic Mantle that rest upon his life, God has appointed Apostle Brown to mentor and truly spiritually father individuals that have experienced spiritual rape as well as false spiritual covering.

The Institute of Ministerial Studies also known as "The School of the Open Door," is the place you need to be to advance in your walk with God.

This is the greatest hour for ministry to impact the world as never seen before in history since the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ Jesus. The only mountain that the current day "church" seems to face is that of a lack of documentation based on demonstration. To document means to take an accurate account of and record. This is a growing issue simply because we have hundreds of thousands of churches that have a lot to talk about or plan on doing, or even the catchy mission statement, but yet no demonstration of the Power of God.

The hour that we now live in is such a prophetic hour and yet there are decrees, declarations, and Divine proclamations concerning our individual lives that have not come into manifestation YET.

The very decision of God raising you up in this prophetic hour is immutable (Psalm 75:6-7). At the Institute of Ministerial Studies you will discover the paramount urgency of not fighting against what God has predestined you to do in the earth as well as how to operate in who God knows you to be. You will know with greater clarity the Will of the Father for the prophetic voice as well as the necessity to cultivate a keen prophetic ear. You will cultivate as well as develop the skills of knowledge to interpret the very climate of prophecy, the nature of prophecy, the prophetic voice, and being able to identify a true prophet and not only one that has the gift of prophecy.

Click Here for More Information

Edmund C. Brown Publishing Company

Declaring the Works of the Lord Globally

est. 2001

Become a Published Author with

Edmund C. Brown Publishing!

Experience the Edmund C. Brown Publishing Difference!

  • Author retains 100% rights to their work
  • Professional book editing
  • Cutting Edge Design Teams
  • Worldwide digital and physical book distribution
  • Customized press release campaigns
  • High-Definition video trailer for every title we publish
  • Highest paying royalty structure in the publishing industry

Click Here for More Information or call 484.293.1163

By Any Means Magazine

"Taking the Word of God Across the Nation"

est. 2005

Our Vision:

Reaching & Changing Lives with the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ!

By Any Means Magazine is an evangelistic ministerial outreach of ED'mund C. Brown Ministries with a vision to reach and change lives around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the means of a published magazine printed Bi-monthly/6 issues annually.

To subscribe to By Any Means Magazine simply click on the icon on the left.

Click Here for More Information or call 704.298.1162

The C. L. U. B.

Consecrated Liberated United Believers

est. 2004

The Vision for this ministry is to reach young adults and teenagers with the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Through creating an environment simulated as a secular club atmosphere, but instead of smoking, drinking, and sex being the highlights of the evening, the C. L. U. B. offers a variety of social experiences that are spiritually edifying, Biblically oriented, and Spirit-led.

It is the belief of Apostle ED'mund that association can bring increase (the Blessing) as well as decrease (the Curse). By creating an atmosphere and environment with individuals with goals and dreams that don't have the encouragement to become what they dream about and combine that with individuals that are walking in the dreams they have pursued and effectively established, lives are changed in a fashion unlike any other.

Many young men and women receive impartation of Godly wisdom and realism that exposes the incorrect relationships in their lives. The C. L. U. B. is not a meeting place for singles to hook up, but it is a place of ministry to where Kingdom Citizens are enabled to go forward by means of networking with others like them (Amos 3:3).

The reality of the C. L. U. B. is that...

* We have been CONSECRATED! set aside for God's purpose, plan, and Perfect Will.

* We have been LIBERATED! from the darkness that houses our sinful past.

* We have been UNITED! together in the love of God for the intent of teaching and the spreading of the Gospel.

* We have been identified as BELIEVERS because signs of the aforementioned characteristics follow us.

Empowered 4 Christ Media

"Powerful Music Representing a Life Changing Savior"

est. 2005


The Seer's Outlook Telecast

est 2014

Long before his global ministry launched reaching around the world, ED'mund Brown took up the charge to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in every corner of the globe. In 1990, when receiving an encounter with Christ, the Lord showed him that his voice will be heard around the world, and this communication medium is just one means by which the vision of our founder is being fulfilled.

For over 25 years, ED'mund Brown has accomplished this vision through traveling extensively here in the U.S. as well as establishing several outreaches overseas via the internet. The website of Apostle ED'mund reaches countless lives on several continents.

Under the dynamic leadership of Apostle ED'mund C. Brown, this cutting-edge media ministry is committed to stretching its global reach with programming that ministers to people from all walks of life, so they are truly converted and empowered to change the world for the glory of our dearest Lord Jesus.

Click here for more information on The Seer's Outlook

Umoja Unlimited Modeling Agency

est 2000

The well known saying, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," could not be any more revealing concerning what we present to you today. The vision of a modeling agency where the models not only look stunningly beautiful, but know who they are, as well as who they are in God's eyes.

In a society that is driven by money and sexuality, Umoja Unlimited Modeling Agency is a company of integrity because it not only is founded upon Christian principles, but is established as a ministry.

Umoja is more than just a name, it's an identity. More importantly it represents the identity of the individual that represents this company. Umoja, which is one of the seven key principles of the celebration, Kwanzaa, means UNITY (Psalm 133:1). It is by this principle that this organization was established.

Founded by ED'mund "Chris" Brown on December 28, 2000 on the belief that only by having strong family values, and creating a community that actually and sincerely cares about the state of being of our youth can we be able to maintain true unity and not just a form of culture. "After being introduced and involved in a lifestyle of pornography and using beauty as an avenue to make money by having sex I knew that there had to be an avenue for people that have a desire to model without compromising their morals to be established..." as stated by ED'mund Brown aka "Chris" is something that all corporations seeking his expertise understand and respect.

The goals that we have set for each individual within our agency are not hard to achieve, because we have set up programs that will enable each youth/young adult to obtain their dreams by means of asserting the other principles of Kwanzaa.

The Stay Focused Radio Show

est 2016

Edmund Brown has spent his life in gospel. From singing it, playing it, to marketing it, he counts it a privilege to be able to work with the music and a message that he loves and believes in. Like many others, he began singing in his church choir and through the years has had a many experiences establishing several church choirs and youth ministries as well as singing with Pastor John P. Kee and New Life (Inner City Mass). Edmund is passionate about the message of the Gospel and the transformative power the love of God has upon those that hear the message thereof. 

Devotions Fellowship Worship Center

est 1996

It is the Mission & purpose of the Devotions Fellowship Worship Center to be God's vehicle as He builds and matures men and women to effectively:

•Equip other believers for supernatural impact on the world

•Worships Him in Spirit and in Truth

•Reach all we encounter with the Love & Gospel of the Living God, Effectively

•Praises God at all times, in all things, and in ways which are pleasing to Him, and meaningful to the partakers

•Trains believers in the priority and practice of personal and corporate prayer

•Doing all things to the glory of God

•Advances the Kingdom of God, One City At A Time

The Devotions Fellowship Worship Center is focused on the development of every aspect of the family unit to the standard of Christ as displayed in the Word of God. In an effort to fulfill this mandate in excellence and proficiency the generous love gifts and donations aide us in:

  • The feeding of over 100 hungry families on a weekly basis through our Target H.O.P.E. Project
  • The effective tutoring of youth and adolesence in our community preparing them for effectively funcationality and leadership in the world and society.
  • By providing the necessary tools for the demands of education to under-priviledged students.

To find out more about our ministry's projects please contact us at 704.336.9151 or via email at

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ED'mund C. Brown Global Ministries
P. O. Box 560924 | Charlotte, NC 28256-0924 | 1-704-336-9151
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